Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yesterday evening I attended a Princess Party. Not just any Princess Party, but a Princess Party given to honor the accomplishment and hard work of some very special ladies. I was there because I have had the privilege and honor of praying for these ladies all these weeks they've been working hard. They've been busy breaking the chains of the enemy in their lives. Facing down horrendous memories and calling them out for what they are. Some for the first time are allowing themselves to be little girls, and experiencing the wonder of a child like they never could before. They all have completed going through the book Wounded Hearts...which deals with coming through childhood sexual abuse.

Last night as we all sat there wearing our cardboard princess hats, stuffing our faces with marvelous food, and laughing till I practically wet myself, I stopped and looked around the room. And all I could see was...COURAGE. STRENGTH. BOLDNESS. Where before, there was none. It moved me so deeply I couldn't help but cry.

They had been asked to share if they would like, a moment that meant something to them in going through this class. A moment we call an AHA moment. Several women shared...from special art created from their pain, or from their healing, to listening together to a song that means the world to one woman. There were lyrics shared, poems read, visual illustrations of their hearts. It was amazing and made me so aware of...GOD. I cried more. To see and hear these dear ladies emerging from the darkness the enemy has kept them in for so long, was overwhelming to me. And my heart rejoiced with the knowing that victory after victory had taken place, the enemy had been DISplaced...and yes,I know there are more victories to come for each of them, that they have more roads to walk in getting completely free of the tangled forest of sexual abuse, but it's a start. A grand start. They each hold the hand of the Lord God Almighty, securely now walking out with Him and the scripture springs to mind, "if God is for me, who can be against me?" Indeed. These women have forever changed me. God bless them.


Saturday, May 22, 2010


Do you ever have your day planned out? I mean, you are going to get things ACCOMPLISHED today! Raring to go, ready to tackle this or that project!!

And then, there's a CHANGE IN PLANS. Grown kids start stopping by. I am NOT whining about this...I love it. But my plans get crimped. And inside I feel a bit sorry for myself. It's really disgusting to admit that. The grown kids show up with THEIR kids, and before you know it, the grands are entertaining this crimped heart of mine. Just had a piano "concert" from E and L. First time L has been on the piano bench and actually got to "play" the piano. It was all wonderful to see and hear and I had to admit to God, "ok, I like YOUR plan better".

Then another grown up child of mine calls. They are stopping by in about an hour and a half. And again, that "crimped" feeling of MY plans. But, I have already talked with God about this impending visit, and have already admitted "indeed God, YOUR plans are always better." And so, I will shower and get ready to enjoy this God given, God driven time with them.

My plans will keep. They'll get done another day. God's perfect plan, God's perfect timing. God's perfect blessings. And I'm not going to miss one of them, He knows what is best...ALWAYS.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today is a beautiful day outside my window! Amazing! It makes me want to do so many things... but I have a list of pressing things to attend to first, then maybe I can go work in the flower bed outside. Writing here is one of those pressing things. I just have to tell God thanks for the lovely day. He is an amazing Creator an amazing artist and we have the complete pleasure of gazing upon His masterpieces daily. I love Him so much, and am so grateful to be His child. I just had to tell you so.

Be blessed in this day. He's right there with you, I promise.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Here I am trying to set up a new blog for myself. It's tougher than I thought, but I'm working on it.

A place to record my thoughts, my feelings, my heart. Because maybe it'll mean something to another person out there.

My heart belongs to Jesus. Forever and always!!! And so begins my blogging history...