Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yesterday evening I attended a Princess Party. Not just any Princess Party, but a Princess Party given to honor the accomplishment and hard work of some very special ladies. I was there because I have had the privilege and honor of praying for these ladies all these weeks they've been working hard. They've been busy breaking the chains of the enemy in their lives. Facing down horrendous memories and calling them out for what they are. Some for the first time are allowing themselves to be little girls, and experiencing the wonder of a child like they never could before. They all have completed going through the book Wounded Hearts...which deals with coming through childhood sexual abuse.

Last night as we all sat there wearing our cardboard princess hats, stuffing our faces with marvelous food, and laughing till I practically wet myself, I stopped and looked around the room. And all I could see was...COURAGE. STRENGTH. BOLDNESS. Where before, there was none. It moved me so deeply I couldn't help but cry.

They had been asked to share if they would like, a moment that meant something to them in going through this class. A moment we call an AHA moment. Several women shared...from special art created from their pain, or from their healing, to listening together to a song that means the world to one woman. There were lyrics shared, poems read, visual illustrations of their hearts. It was amazing and made me so aware of...GOD. I cried more. To see and hear these dear ladies emerging from the darkness the enemy has kept them in for so long, was overwhelming to me. And my heart rejoiced with the knowing that victory after victory had taken place, the enemy had been DISplaced...and yes,I know there are more victories to come for each of them, that they have more roads to walk in getting completely free of the tangled forest of sexual abuse, but it's a start. A grand start. They each hold the hand of the Lord God Almighty, securely now walking out with Him and the scripture springs to mind, "if God is for me, who can be against me?" Indeed. These women have forever changed me. God bless them.



  1. Oh, Jeanette, you made me weep. Now they know they are truly princesses of the most High King!
    I am so happy for all of you. Praise God for his healing of hearts. Love you. Vicki

  2. Sounds like a wonderful evening for the Princesses! (and you!) You are so sweet.

    Hugs, Anastasia

  3. That's so beautiful and tear-jerking too :-) Sounds like you had a great time.

  4. Praise God for His glorious healing! I love how He makes some of his most beautiful art work from ashes!
